Aired: May 07 & May 08

Show 4: Bay of Quinte Fishing, Sighting Firearms and Asian Carp

Angler & Hunter Radio | Season 6 Show 4Long time fishing guide from the Bay of Quinte and Land O’Lakes region, Jimmy Johnson,  joins us to talk about the Bay of Quinte region and their fishing opportunities.

Tom Ott, from Buckeye Firearms Training Center, joins host Randy Jennings to talk about the proper way to sight in our firearms and where we can safely and legally do it.

Becky Cudmore, Senior Science Advisor on aquatic invasive species and the Manager for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Centre of Expertise for Aquatic Risk Assessment (CEARA), joins us with an Asian Carp update and some tips on how we can help to prevent Asian Carp from finding their way into our waterways.

Carp Explosion photo by Ted Lawrence, Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC)

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